
Learn Japanese Through Anime || Gendered Speech in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Learn Japanese Through Anime || Gendered Speech in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Miso Dog
Sometimes I can't understand the way male anime characters speak.
Why is that?
Miso Dog
Men end their sentences and words differently. It's definitely not what you learn in Japanese class. Especially in anime like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I hear it a lot.
Oh, that's actually a really good point. Let's take a look.

Gendered Speech?

You may know that languages like Spanish and French use feminine and masculine words. This is not the case for Japanese, but there is a specific way that men and women talk. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure showcases this with the many masculine characters. Today, Sophie and YT take a look at the phrase, "Atama ni konee yatsu wa inee." What makes this a masculine form of speech and can you use it in daily conversation? Aside from learning about gendered speech, you might also be able to learn a useful phrase! Check the video to find out!


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