
Learn Japanese Through Anime || Kimetsu no Yaiba's Title

Learn Japanese Through Anime || Kimetsu no Yaiba's Title

Miso Dog
I wonder how translators come up wth English titles for anime.
Companies probably hire people that understand the detailed nuances of both languages.
Miso Dog
That makes sense. As I learn more Japanese it makes me question all the translations I see around me.
How about we take a look at a recent popular anime's title?

"Demon Slayer": Is this Title Correct?

Sometimes, translators have to get pretty creative in order to create titles that are both catchy but at the same time true to the original Japanese. Have you ever wondered how accurate the title, "Demon Slayer" is? Today, Sophie and YT go in depth and try to explain the nuances of the original Japanese title, "Kimetsu no Yaiba," and talk about how it compares to the official English translation. We hope you can learn something new!


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