
Learn Japanese Through Anime || The Way Frieza Speaks Japanese

Learn Japanese Through Anime || The Way Frieza Speaks Japanese

Miso Dog
Keigo is so hard...
I think a lot of people struggle with keigo. Especially because there isn't a similar concept in English.
Miso Dog
I noticed that a character from Dragon Ball uses keigo and I was confused as to why...
Dragon Ball?? Let me take a look.

Is Keigo Really Keigo?

How familiar are you with keigo? "Keigo" is a form of Japanese speech that shows formality and respect. Many people use keigo in the workplace, with those who are older or higher in status than yourself, or with those you are meeting with for the first time. So what is the point in Frieza, the strongest villain in Dragon Ball using it? Frieza uses keigo in almost all the scenes in Dragon Ball, even though the other characters do not. Is it possible that keigo can have different nuances depending on the language and the way it is spoken?

Check today's video and find out!


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